Sunday, February 26, 2006

Passing the stupidity buck

Watch out today world, my balls are as twisted as a hangman's noose. Why is it that everyone always wants to pass the stupidity buck ? Why is it that everyone wants to point fingers at everyone else, but themselves ? Its like a circle jerk of stupidity. All of these motherfuckers throwing stones, as they sit in their glass asylums. When does it stop ?
Lets look at the state of affairs in the fucked up world in which we live, shall we ? The Muslims are all fired up over a cartoon that depicts Mohammed and Muslims as being violent. And boy are they pissed off too. Hmmmm, if I were Muslim, how would I express myself ? How would I let the entire world know, that I was upset about such blasphemous claims ?
Oh, I've got an idea, lets just blow things up, set embassies on fire, and threaten the life of the cartoonist who created the cartoon piece. That'll show 'em. Lets show the world how stupid humanity can get, by allowing a fucking cartoon to be the catalyst for so much destruction. That will learn 'em. Can anyone say moronic ? Why the fuck would they do this ? Cartoonist-1, Muslims-0.
After the tragic events of 911, the whole nation was in shock. The good ole USA just got sucker punched right between the eyes, and man did it fucking hurt. Everyone knew things would never be the same again. The people of our great nation needed a reason. We wanted to know why such a dark day in our history had occurred.
We waited with baited breath, for our President to speak. There he grimly sat in the oval office. Clad in a black suit, with an American flag pin proudly displayed on his left lapel, he told all of us "they hate us for our freedom". The President then went on to talk about how the terrorists would do anything to destroy us, and our love of freedom.
"OK", I thought. Sounds kinda fucking silly to me, but hey, who am ? If that's what the President said, by all means, it must be the way it is. So, now what ? The leader of the free world just announced the reason why we were attacked so brutally was our love of freedom. The President also told us not to let the terrorists affect our way of life. "Shop till you drop", was the President's's battle cry !! We will change for no one. Sounds good to me, lets go to the fucking mall.
But change we did. You see, they did affect the way we live. The President accomplished with a pen, what the downing of two towers could not do.The President signed the Patriot act, giving the government the right to take away any and all freedoms granted by the US Constitution, if the government so chooses to do so. Hello, did I miss something, or did we all just get ass fucked with no Vaseline ? Terrorists-2, USA-0.
So off to war we go, hunting down Oasma and weapons of mass destruction. Oops, no Osama here, no weapons of mass destruction there. Suddenly, the USA is striking out like a straight guy at an all lesbian party. Time to shift gears, before we look like a bunch of idiots. Ok, we are in Iraq and Afghanistan to liberate both countries from the brutal dictatorships that were in control. Regimes that would torture and kill. Oh no, we can't have any of that.
So what do we do ? Oh, we start torturing the very people we are claiming to liberate. Boy, now that's original. What idiot thought that one up ? Probably the same fucking lame ass who came up with "they hate us because of our freedom". Like I said before, sounds kinda fucking silly to me. USA-0, Iraq and Afghanistan-0.
I rember when I was kid, I could sit out in the sun for a week, and not get a sun burn. No sir, maybe a good tan, but never burnt. I also remember, as a kid, we didn't have super hurricanes whipping the shit out us once a week. Killer foods, killer storms, tornados, acid rain, shit everyday llife is becoming more and more like a hollywood survival flick. Scientists from all over the world stated it as clear as crystal, GLOBAL WARMING.
No, no, no, you have got it all wrong my friend, there is no such thing as global warming. Its just a natrual process the earth follows every twenty thousand years or so. Take one guess who keeps throwing out that lamo excuse ?? You give up ? Thats right, its the same folks who brought you the imaginary energy crisis. This response to the issue of global warming has been brought to you by the fine scientists who work for Exxon-Moblie. The same folks who broke the record for the largest profits EVER made by a coperation. Yup, Exxon-Mobile made a proifit of 371 BILLION dollars in the year of 2005. Exxon-371 billion, the rest of the world-0.
I could go on and on...but there are just so many issues to cover. The moral of the story is this. Always look at the angle. Always look at who benifits from something and why. Even though we get bombarded by a shit load of information, its pretty easy to see what the truth and whats bullshit.
You see my friends, the stupidity buck usually gets passed, when someone is trying to draw attention away from the fucked up shit they do. People do it all of the time. Unless we start to stop the buck passing, we may not be fucked, but our children, and our grand children will be. Stop the insanity, stop the buck.
Be safe,


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