Monday, April 03, 2006

FW: kiss me before you fuck me please

  I drove to the gas station the other day, and I nearly shit my pants. No, it had nothing to do with the pre packaged beef and bean buritto I bought there. Before I ate the buritto and filled the gas tank in my tummy, I needed to fill the gas tank in my jeep. So I get out, and run into the store, and tell the counter guy "twenty on pump two please".  I slap that yummy burrito on the counter, pay for it, then its outside to my awaiting Jeep I go.
  As usual, I selected regular unleaded. After I made my selection, I figured "shit, I must have made a mistake". The price was fucking $2.58 A GOD DAMN GALLON !!!! I didn't remember hearing any more bad news then usual from the middle east. George Bush's global war on whatever was going as horrible as usual. No breaking news, however. No more stories of Iran developing  nuclear weapons or of it turning out Osama is really a chick with a dick. Nope, not a fucking thing.
  So later on, I go home and get on line, to see if I missed something. I had to have, right? Not that the price from the two days ago, a $2.23 a gallon was any friggin' bargain, but it sure beat the shit out of $2.58  a fucking gallon. Then, I found it. There it was, the holy grail to my gas price increase. The answer which had eluded me all fucking day. The price of gas had gone up, because of the "summer driving season". Hmmmm, ain't that special. Lets talk about this, shall we ?
  In case ya'll don't  know, since the year 2000, or the time "W" took office, the oil companies have made the biggest profits in the history of oil consumption. In the year of 2005, Exxon-Mobile recorded the biggest profit made by any company, regardless of the product they sell. As a matter of fact, the profit they made was soooo huge, if they were an actual country, they would be ranked number 16 in world in world economics !! In other words, only 15 COUNTRIES have a stronger economy, then fucking Exxon-Mobile. These cock bag mother fuckers made a profit of 371 BILLION dollars last year.
  To give you an idea how big of a profit this really is, they could give every American 1 million dollars, and STILL make a profit of 136 billion dollars. Is that fucking amazing or what ? And you want to hear the BEST part ? Are you ready, are you sitting down ? Due to all the tax breaks "W" put into effect for the big oil companies, these fuckers paid UNDER 2 million dollars in taxes. Does anyone else feel pretty dicked over right now ? Or am I the only one in the world with a mother fucking brain ?
  The moral of the story is this. Can these fuck face scum bags at least kiss me before they fuck me ? I understand the principles of free trade and all of that other horse shit, but when is enough enough ? At what point do we say in one loud collective voice "FUCK YOU" ? Where's the fucking government to stick up for us ? Are they not our "voice" ? Oh yeah, that's right, the oil companies also have the largest political lobby group in Washington D.C. This means that your voice and your vote don't mean shit. Money talks, and bullshit walks pal. Sorry average American voter, due to kick backs, campaign contributions, and free vacations to countries were child prostitution is legal, your vote and your voice doesn't count for shit.
  What can we do about this problem ? How can we get these fuckers to at least kiss us before they fuck us ? Maybe a little "spit lube" too ? Well, for starters, we need to remind the dick heads in Washington D.C., they work for "US", not corporate world. We need to fax, e-mail, write letters, protest, and do whatever we have to, to get their attention. Election time is coming up soon. Look at your representatives voting record on issues. See who's side they have been on. If you see a pattern of voting on issues that have shown they voted against what best represents the American people, vote that mother fucker back to his/her home town. Remember, these issues don't even need to be about big oil.
  It is each and every American citizens job, to be vigilant. Keep yourself current on the issues that affect the USA, foreign and domestic. Know the facts for yourself, so you don't have to get spoon fed the information the politicians want you to know, while in the same breath, they exclude the things they DON'T want you to know. The most important thing to remember is this. The US Constitution is a miracle of a document. It is what has made us the greatest nation on earth. We must respect it, and follow it, even today. Remember, its not just a "god damn piece of paper".
  Now go out there and learn about the issues, and fucking vote.
  be safe,


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